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Lauren Desberg’s songs are not the dated sounds of speakeasies and flappers, nor are they the type to be tucked into small lounges or clubs. Lauren’s voice and music fuse together the past and the present, combining classic jazz standards and measures with today’s popular music and lyrics. It’s meant for iPhone’s- morning train commutes and cocktail party playlists.  The Harlem-based vocalist simultaneously pays homage to traditional jazz while adding her own contemporary feel—she embodies the spirit of her generation yet defies expectations all the same. 


Lauren grew up in Los Angeles, CA—born to a musical family who had her singing from day one. Her younger years were filled with choirs and musicals, while her radio played jazz and 90’s teen groups alike. Lauren attended the prestigious Los Angeles County High School for the Arts (LACHSA), where she decided to pursue Jazz wholeheartedly. There she sang with LACHSA’s jazz ensembles along with the Gibson-Baldwin Grammy Ensembles, the Brubeck Summer Jazz Colony and performed at the Monterey and Playboy Jazz Festivals. 


Lauren attended Berklee College of Music in Boston, where she formed her own musical convictions. As she told Complex UK, “It was a different attitude and vibe and I really liked it…It opened me up to other worlds." There, she won the ASCAP Foundation’s Leiber and Stoller Music Award and sang with the Beantown Swing Orchestra. Lauren recorded her first EP, Sideways, produced by Gretchen Parlato. Sideways and her single “I Wanna Be Like You” were reviewed by NPR and receive airplay on jazz stations worldwide. 


With the release of her first full-length album, Twenty First Century Problems, Lauren bridges the gap between the jazz of yesterday and the popular music of today. Her modern favorites, such as Frank Ocean and Kimbra, influence her sound as much as the past jazz greats which result in an album that reflects her diverse musical journey. Welcome to millennial jazz. 

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